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Improving Health Outcomes for Pediatric Feeding Disorder

Pediatric Feeding Disorder (PFD) is impaired oral intake that is not age-appropriate and is associated with medical, nutritional, feeding skill and/or psychosocial dysfunction. According to evaluation data, it is estimated that PFD affects more than 2.3 million children under the age of 5 in the United States each year. For families with an infant or child with a Pediatric Feeding Disorder, every bite of food can be painful, stressful and sometimes impossible, which can impede nutrition, development, growth and overall health and well-being. Management of Pediatric Feeding Disorder (PFD) requires assessment and treatment methods from an interdisciplinary perspective — bringing together psychologists, nutritionists, physicians, occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists. PFD coexists with developmental and organic conditions and can affect children from Addborn through school age. This program provides the foundational knowledge and practice-based skills across disciplines to facilitate integrated care of children with Pediatric Feeding Disorder. This course includes an overview of typical development and anatomy needed for healthy feeding and evaluation and treatment methods provided by physicians, Board-Certified Speech-Language Pathologists, Board-Certified Occupational Therapists, Registered Dieticians and Psychologists. Supplemental material on lactation and serving children with PFD is available at no additional cost. The lactation module is provided by an IBCLC RN and IBCLC SLP. The focus is lactation and supporting children with PFD.

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